What are CMS and content management system requirements

Content management system requirements

CMS is a content management system, created to make life easier for ordinary users. Content management system requirements give the opportunity to intuitively manage the content of the site and, without the help of a specialist, set up existing or new functionality.

As a rule, a content management system evaluation is just an add-on to the core (framework). That allows you to easily manage the content of the site. Or vice versa, CMS is what revolves around all the functionality and capabilities of the site. It is these management systems that are very successful, they are created for one specific task and perform it perfectly. If you need to add something third-party, then most have an add-on store that will significantly expand the initial functionality of the CMS. Instead of introducing a blog, you can open your online store. You can also find out more information about content management system requirements.

CMS – best component content management system

CMS, as mentioned earlier, is created to facilitate the management of content on the site. It allows the most ordinary users with computer knowledge at the level of Word and Excel to fully manage the site. For example, add/delete pages, edit textual information, change the appearance (if CMS allows), place ads, etc.

Also, with the development of such a concept as “extension stores”, the user can independently expand the functionality of the CMS without even opening the source code.

Self-written or professional cms in development

My local programmer advised me to install his engine. Most cms in development by professional studios have extensive functionality, are protected from most vulnerabilities, and have a large platform for extensions.

But there are also “self-written” CMS developed by one or more developers for one specific purpose. Usually, they are made for small sites such as a business card site, a blog, or which are not planned to be upgraded in the future.

Self-written engines have one big problem, usually, developers do not make them with a focus on security. A user who decides to deploy an online store on such an engine runs the risk of losing his product database under the simplest hacker attack. The site won’t even resist.

 content management system requirements

In fact, now all engines are moving towards seamlessly installing a huge number of add-ons that allow you to significantly expand the standard “narrow” functionality. CMS developers thus try to attract a larger audience to their product and become a leader.

Content management system requirements

Each company has its own unique requirements for CMS, and it is almost impossible to develop a single list of requirements. Include all interested departments of your company in compiling the list: marketing, analysts, IT, PR, HR, and, of course, the CEO.

The right strategy, in my opinion:

  1. Transfer web project management to the marketing department, since today a website is not only an IT tool but also an environment for interacting with customers.
  2. Business intelligence can help you identify additional requirements in terms of your company’s business processes.
  3. The IT staff will describe the security, data integrity, and technology restrictions for compatibility with your internal applications.
  4. PR and HR will be among the users of the system, so their requirements must also be taken into account.

Use a structured approach to make sure the list of requirements is manageable, efficient, and self-sufficient. By keeping this process under control, you will be sure that you reduce the risks of your project.

A structured list of content management system requirements

The list of content management system requirements can be very long. So it is important to group the requirements in a way that is easy to use.

 content management system requirements

This list can be grouped, for example, as follows:

  • content creation organization;
  • content management;
  • publication;
  • presentation (design, templates, layouts);
  • communication (interactive modules);
  • user management (users, groups, profiles, workflow);
  • CMS settings (updating, connecting additional modules);
  • statistics (monitoring of the use of the system – who uploaded what content and when statistics of site visits);
  • electronic store.

This list is far from complete, and it can be expanded for your company. You can also use the list of parameters used in the cmsmatrix.org project. However, it is by no means a substitute for your own unique list of requirements.

It will be useful to mark the required and optional groups among the groups you have selected – this will help you prioritize your system requirements. CMS made simple to WordPress in this article you can read about the pros and cons of WordPress.

Also, many users use the Joomla development company. In this article, you can read the advantages and disadvantages of Drupal website development.

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